Energy is required for a wider purpose like to run our factories and machines, to run our planes, trains, cars, and buses, to drive our ships and submarines, to create the wheel move. Considering the fact , the most important sources of energy up to now are coal and oil. But with the passage of your time, coal and oil are sure to be dried-up. in keeping with all indications, it’s clear that the globe is heading fast towards a serious energy crisis. it’s estimated that at the current rate of consumption, the whole estimated range of recoverable oil within the world are going to be completely exhausted by the year 2015 or 2025.
The position in respect of coal within the world is additionally equally bad. The developing countries of the planet have already started searching for other sources of energy. nuclear energy, which promises an enormous hope, is filled with risks and hazards. Moreover, energy is produced only at a really high cost. it’s been calculated that nuclear construction costs are rising on a daily basis. they need now risen to 1000 dollars a kilowatt from 100 dollars in 1960. Again, nuclear plants don’t last forever. Their average life is 50 years. after they are dead, they can’t be dismantled like every other plant. they need to be buried deep and guarded forever. For these reasons, the planet must moot before committing itself completely to atomic power.
Scientists are now trying to get other alternatives and harness solar, biogas, water, and air reserves which could serve as an alternative. Water is being employed in a big thanks to producing hydroelectric power at comparatively cheaper rates. Similarly, air mills are being developed in advanced countries of the globe. alternative energy, too, includes a bright future. Thermal generating units depending upon solar power are being developed at a quick rate. Giant dishes are made to concentrate the daylight on the thermal generators which use this sunlight to provide energy. Animal and human wastes also are being rapidly exploited as a source of energy.
The position in respect of energy in India isn’t very discouraging. the assembly of oil within the country is fast increasing. it’s doubled from 15 million tonnes to 30 million tonnes during the last five years. India is ready to provide 60 percent of her needs but it cannot hope to be self-sufficient soon. India has already started harnessing sources apart from oil and coal. But she will be able to do so only with the constraints of the capital resources available to her. Considering some crucial statistics, Thirty percent of the country’s capital investment according to the Seventh Plan was used for the energy sector. At present, we are paying a really high price for our petrol. Kerosene, the poor man’s fuel, is rationed. Water pumps within the agricultural farms haven’t any diesel, shortage of furnace oil is threatening the closure of several industries.
some years ago, our oil experts were highly optimistic as they struck oil within the Bombay High wells, “We have hit the jackpot,” said they. The ONGC authorities have discovered oil at some more discovered oil fields. because the situation stands today we aren’t producing enough while our consumption is increasing each week.
All this only means our planners must rise to the occasion and evolve a national energy policy to create use of all the available sources so the country is saved from a difficult situation and therefore the sun. On the international field, the developed countries of the globe must launch a large program for harnessing all available sources of energy. they need to also help the relatively less affluent countries to harness new sources of energy i.e. unconventional sources of energy.