The safety of women in India is a significant problem for the country, which is known for its rich cultural history and quickly developing economy. There has been a worrisome increase in crimes against women, according to the most recent data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). There were an astounding 4,28,278 reports of this type of crime in 2021 or almost 113 per day. Compared to the 3,71,503 instances reported in 2020, this is a substantial rise.
Typical Offenses
According to the NCRB’s research, the number of crimes committed in India against women will increase by 8 percent in 2021. A worrying 64.5 out of every lakh Indian women were victims of crime in 2021, a rise from the previous year’s incidence of 56.5 per lakh population.
Most crimes committed against women include either the perpetrator being a spouse or a member of the perpetrator’s family and include acts such as rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping. In 2021, incidents of cruelty by spouses or their relatives accounted for 31.8% of all recorded crimes against women, followed by kidnapping and abduction at 17.5%, rape at 7.4%, and assault at 7.1%.
Unreported Cases and International Worries
However, many victims do not come forward to report crimes for fear of retaliation; thus, these numbers certainly understate the actual severity of the problem. The low ranking India has on international measures of women’s security has drawn worldwide attention. When compared to other nations, India scored 135 on the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 published by the World Economic Forum on the topic of gender parity. India ranks 135 out of 176 nations in the TrustLaw Women’s State of the World Index 2021, which measures the safety and access to justice for women worldwide.
Why We Must Act Now
There is still a long way to go before women in India genuinely feel protected, even though the government has taken initiatives like passing anti-violence and anti-sexual harassment legislation and opening women-only police stations.
Dismal Numbers Show Why It is So Important
With a crime rate against women of 64.5 per lakh population in 2021, higher than the global average, the highest number of rape cases worldwide (an average of 86 rapes per day), the continued prevalence of dowry-related deaths, and the highest number of child brides globally in 2020, the statistics paint a bleak picture of the urgency surrounding women’s safety in India. These dismal findings underline the pressing need for a comprehensive and prompt response to provide a safe and secure environment for all women, protecting their rights and dignity in a constantly developing society.
Future Steps
The government and society in India must work together to ensure the protection of women. This includes pushing policies and programs that empower women, changing social norms and attitudes, strengthening law enforcement and the judicial system, and providing comprehensive support and services to victims of abuse. India can only hope to protect the rights and dignity of its women in this fast-changing culture by employing such a wide range of strategies.