Every year on December 5, ‘World Soil Day’ is celebrated by the Food and Agriculture Organization to work towards reducing soil erosion due to increasing population, to make people aware of fertile soil and as a resource. It is celebrated with the aim of ensuring a system of sustainable soil management. Just as it is not possible to imagine life without water, in the same way soil is also important.
As we are well aware that the Half of India’s population is dependent on agriculture but due to the use of excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the fields by the farmers, the quality of the soil is decreasing. Soil conservation has become very important, which can prove to be a big threat to food security, development of trees and plants, life and habitat of insects and animals and mankind. ‘Save soil movement’ in India about 45 years ago
History of World Soil Day
The celebration of World Soil Day was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002. The FAO Conference unanimously made an official declaration to celebrate it at the 68th United Nations General Assembly on 20 December 2013.
Why is it celebrated only on 5th December?

According to reports, the Maharaja of Thailand H.M Bhumibol Adulyadej did a lot of work to protect the fertile soil During his tenure . In view of his contribution, every year on the occasion of his birthday, which is December 5, he was honored by dedicating it as World Soil Day. Since then, the tradition of celebrating Soil Day started on 5th December every year.
Importance of World Soil Day 2022
Soil is very important for our life because it is the source of four major means of life including food, clothing, shelter and medicine. That’s why it is important to pay attention to its conservation. Their number is decreasing due to excessive cutting of trees, as well as the roots of trees that bind the soil, due to the reduction of trees, floods, heavy rains, or stormy winds cause natural disasters that wash away fertile soil with them. She goes So pay attention to them.
Theme of World Soil Day 2022
Let us tell you, The theme for World Soil Day 2022 is “Soil, where food begins”. With an emphasis on the fact that soil contains minerals, organisms and biological components that provide food for humans and animals. If their quality and protection is not taken care of, then it can pose a threat to the whole world.