As per the latest reports collected about the space expansion by the Hubble Space telescope says that the findings shows its a very complex process. Along with this the rate of expansion and evolution of space suggests that something weird is occurring in the universe.

The Big Bang Theory is the basis on which the rate of expansion is studied. Which seems to be distinctively different from the findings of the Hubble telescope has measured.
Hubble’s Latest Findings
The Hubble telescope has been collecting data in space and time for the past 30 years under the collection called “milepost markers”. They serve the purpose of tracing the rate of expansion of the space as it is moving away from us.
NASA reveals that it has carefully assessed more than 40 markers for very precise measurements. The Nobel Laureate, Mr. Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute says ” You are getting the most precise measurement of the expansion rate for the universe from the gold standards of telescopes and cosmic mile markers”.
Till now the studies show that the space is expanding at the rate of 67.5 Km/sec/ megaparsec. But the latest findings by the Hubble telescope show the rate of expansion is around 73 Km/sec/megaparsec.

Hubble’s SH0ES project (Supernova, H0, for the Equation of State of Dark Energy) has measured 42 supernova milepost markers. NASA writes ” The SH0ES project was designed to bracket the universe by matching the precision of the Hubble constant inferred from studying the cosmic microwave background radiation left over from the dawn of the universe”.
The result of the project is more than double the previous sample of cosmic milepost markers. Besides the Hubble telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope will also help in enriching data by showing mile markers at a greater distance.