
Women Don’t Get Similar Education As Men In Bihar: Why State’s Education System Failed To Serve Its Purpose?

By Pooja Yadav

May 06, 2022

In Bihar, education seems to be improving. The literacy rate has gone up from 47% to 61.8% in keeping with the 2001 and 2011 censuses, an enormous improvement from what it had been before. There are now fewer dropouts. There are more institutions for pedagogy.

However, while there’s a rise, a problem is often found when examined deeply. Women aren’t getting the identical quality education that men are in Bihar.

While the rise in literacy is sweet, there’s a divide between men and girls. In Bihar, 71.20% of men are literate whereas only 51.5% of ladies are literate. there’s a 20% margin between the 2 genders and this brings questions regarding the education system in Bihar and its equality, especially because Bihar is near the underside when it involves female literacy rates.

Women trying to urge an education in Bihar face many challenges. the primary main one is the importance of ladies in agriculture. Women cope with crop production, and livestock, and supply food and other necessities to their families. because of their responsibilities, they struggle to seek out time to urge a correct education.

Women even have fewer rights than men in Bihar and suffer from gender discrimination, inadequate healthcare access, lower-income, limited inheritance, and land rights. Even further, these women have poor school environments. they need unpotable beverage and toilet facilities, improper building, and a scarcity of teachers.

Not only do they need an absence of teachers, but they also lack female teachers, who are safer for women and protect them from abuse and exploitation.

If a lady were to enrol in a very school, the likelihood is that she would just drop out. Data shows that as students age, the quantity of girls decreases while the amount of men remains unchanged. The cause for this is often that girls share the responsibilities of their families and must learn skills. they have to work and are discouraged from getting an education.

Another issue is that daughters are valued but male children. a part of this is often thanks to the dowry system. during this system, the wife’s family must give gifts like cash or property to the husband’s family. This takes a financial toll on the wife’s family. Women are viewed as a financial burden because of this method, resulting in the neglect of female children.

Another thing that ends up in the neglect of female children is that ladies accept the husband. On the contrary, the son cares for his or her parents, resulting in parents caring much more for his or their male sons as they’ll be directly affected, whereas the education of the feminine child won’t affect them the maximum amount.

In areas like Bihar, women are neglected and their education suffers. They act as workers and providers for the family but lack education thanks to their great responsibilities.

The discrimination of ladies in Bihar is prominent. With equality, better women’s education is often fought for, the voices of ladies are heard, and they are able to improve their own lives.