
Russia-Ukraine Tensions: India Suggests Peaceful Solution

By Pooja Yadav

February 22, 2022

India is trying to opt for a balanced and preventive approach in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis. Earlier, India remained silent and was appealing to sort out the differences between the countries peacefully in the international community. On January 30, 2022, India abstained from voting in UNSC when the US demanded the Russia-Ukraine crisis discussion. India neither voted in favour of it nor against it.

The response, however, was not surprising for many experts as in 2014 when Russia attacked Crimea, India abstained from voting in UNSC on the resolution passed by the US. The country had passed a resolution against Russia in the UNSC. Russia took India’s step as a pro-Russian view.

India boycotted the Winter Olympics in China where Russia aimed to promote its views on Ukraine. However, India’s step was not pro-Russia nor against Ukraine. Rather it chooses a safe option without offending any of the sides. India refused to discuss the Ukraine issue in the foreign ministers meeting QUAD.

One thing India needs to understand is that in this globalised and highly interconnected world, it cannot escape this crisis because for India this crisis is for Russia vs the west. From supporting with defence pieces of equipment to the Kashmir issue, Russia supported India openly even on Chinese-dominated platforms at the BRICS summits.

Supporting Ukraine could put India in big trouble as Russia could pose sanctions which would not be good for imports. Sanctions for any country’s economy are not a positive indicator of growth. Any war will further increase global inflation, sanctions on Russia and its allies will affect Indian economic interests and the country cannot afford that.